How to keep Seche Vite thinned and ready to go
Part One: How to keep Seche Vite thinned and ready to go :
Seche Vite 14ml/0.5 fl oz
Buy the “Professional Kit”: one normal sized bottle of Seche Vite 14ml/0.5 fl oz and one large bottle 118ml/4 fl oz – and I always buy the large bottle of Seche Restore 59ml/2 fl oz that comes with a dropper, but you can choose to buy a smaller bottle with a built in dropper in the lid.
Add 7-10 drops of the Seche Restore thinner and gently roll it.
Sometimes you can use Seche Vite a few times more before you fill it up with fresh Seche Vite from the large bottle, in that case, often add a few further drops of Seche Restore before filling it up. Carefully pour it right from the large into the small.
It’s not an exact science, you soon will get into a routine – because this is all about experience.
Part two: How to avoid shrinkage
If you get lazy and do not thin Seche Vite and its getting a bit gooey, Add (maybe 15 or so) drops of Seche Restore are needed before filling the bottle up with fresh Seche Vite from the big bottle.
Part three: How to apply and use Seche Vite
If the bottle is full or almost full, Wipe one side of the brush lightly on the inside of the bottle neck, leaving a good drop.
Make sure NOT to press the Seche Vite thin, the coat should be rich, loosen your wrist!!
Use a light movement to spread it over the nail (remember the free edge) and take advantage of the amazing self-leveling ability. If you have long nails you probably need to wipe less of the brush and or dip twice.
If you normally apply thin coats of nail polish you need to rethink that when you apply Seche Vite!
Remember to use a generous coat!!
If you follow the simple steps above you hopefully will love Seche Vite Topcoat.